L-Serine and glycine serve as major astroglia-derived trophic factors for cerebellar Purkinje neurons

Shigeki Furuya*, Toshihide Tabata, Junya Mitoma, Keiko Yamada, Miwako Yamasaki, Asami Makino, Toshifumi Yamamoto, Masahiko Watanabe, Masanobu Kano, Yoshio Hirabayashi


研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術論文査読

174 被引用数 (Scopus)


Glial cells support the survival and development of central neurons through the supply of trophic factors. Here we demonstrate that L-serine (L-Ser) and glycine (Gly) also are glia-derived trophic factors. These amino acids are released by astroglial cells and promote the survival, dendritogenesis, and electrophysiological development of cultured cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Although L-Ser and Gly are generally classified as nonessential amino acids, 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (3PGDH), a key enzyme for their biosynthesis, is not expressed in Purkinje neurons. By contrast, the Bergman glia, a native astroglia in the cerebellar cortex, highly expresses 3PGDH. These data suggest that L-Ser and Gly mediate the trophic actions of glial cells on Purkinje neurons.

ジャーナルProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
出版ステータス出版済み - 2000/10/10

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「L-Serine and glycine serve as major astroglia-derived trophic factors for cerebellar Purkinje neurons」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
