Use of in-hospital geomagnetic fingerprinting localization

Keiko Yamashita, Shintaro Oyama, Tomohiro Otani, Satoshi Yamashita, Taiki Furukawa, Daisuke Kobayashi, Kikue Sato, Aki Sugano, Chiaki Funada, Kensaku Mori, Yoshimune Shiratori

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Recently, visualizing location of people and things in a hospital has become an issue particularly for improving work efficiency and incident prevention. Although radio frequency waves such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are commonly used in indoor positioning, they have several limitations owing to their physical characteristics. We proposed in-hospital hybrid positioning technique, involving a combination of radio waves and geomagnetic fingerprinting techniques. We compared accuracy of proposed technique with that of Wi-Fi- and BLE-based techniques.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMEDINFO 2019
Subtitle of host publicationHealth and Wellbeing e-Networks for All - Proceedings of the 17th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics
EditorsBrigitte Seroussi, Lucila Ohno-Machado, Lucila Ohno-Machado, Brigitte Seroussi
PublisherIOS Press
Number of pages2
ISBN (Electronic)9781643680026
StatePublished - 2019/08/21
Event17th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, MEDINFO 2019 - Lyon, France
Duration: 2019/08/252019/08/30

Publication series

NameStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
ISSN (Print)0926-9630
ISSN (Electronic)1879-8365


Conference17th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, MEDINFO 2019


  • Bluetooth low energy beacon
  • Geomagnetic fingerprinting localization
  • Hybrid in-hospital positioning
  • Wi-Fi

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Health Informatics
  • Health Information Management


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