Quantitative analyses of the geospatial characteristics of haunted sites using open data

Koshiro Suzuki*, Shuichi Ito, Yennan U

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This study attempts to bridge geography and ghost research by using the geolocation of haunted sites online as well as open data. The spatial relationship of the geolocation of haunted sites with government open data is examined. Open geodata and geolocations of haunted sites were deployed in QGIS. The pairwise distribution patterns of the horizontal axis (XY axis) were investigated using the nearest-neighbour spatial association measure. The forest inclusion rates were also analysed using forested area polygons, while the slope angles and altitudes (Z axis) for each feature were analysed using a digital elevation model. As a result, haunted sites showed significant adjoint trends with medical and penal facilities and showed a tendency to approximate water facilities in terms of altitude analyses. This finding was consistent with the results of our previous study, which showed that haunted sites do not show an associated trend with any of the other public facilities other than medical facilities. Our findings provide empirical support for the presented insights regarding the sociology of death.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100701
JournalSocial Sciences and Humanities Open
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2023/01


  • Ghosts
  • Nearest-neighbour spatial-association measure
  • Yōkais

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Decision Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Psychology (miscellaneous)


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