
Research output: Contribution to journalReview article


The Quaternary climatic changes are known to have forced changes in distribution ranges in a variety of organisms intermittently and hence assisted introgressive hybridization events among allopatrically isolated groups or species. An intriguing case is that seen in Eurasian hares, genus Lepus. The mountain hare {Lepus timidus) having present day wide distribution range in northern part of Eurasia is known to have hybridized with five or more congeneric species occurring in Europe and northern Asia. Lepus timidus shows on-going introgression event with L. europeaus in their contact zones of Europe. Intriguingly, the directions of gene introgression are different region to region. In the case of the Iberian hares (L. granatensis, L. castroviejoi, L. europaeus), the introgression from L. timidus has occurred during the last deglaciation and the intensity of introgression differed substantially from locus to locus. In this review article, I will weigh the circumstances of introgressive hybridization in L. timidus, taking into account both in literature and in our recent work on the conspecific population of Hokkaido, Japan.
Original languageJapanese
Pages (from-to)20-25
StatePublished - 2012

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