Creation of next-generation nanocomposite films by establishment of differential pumping co-deposition technique

Project Details


A differential pumping co-sputtering system(DPCS) was newly developed to facilitate a controlled, but flexible fabrication of multifunctional nanocomposite films with compositions not limited by thermodynamic restrictions. As for the hard coatings, new nanocomoposite films consisting of nitride(CrAlN or AlN) and oxide(Al_2O_3 and SiO_2) were prepared using DPCS. Furthermore, a new nanocomposite films consisting of CrAlN and alumina was obtained from CrAlN/BN films, which was prepared with conventional sputtering apparatus, by annealing in air. On the other hand, as for the functional film, multi layered CeO_2/Al films were successfully obtained without aluminum oxidation during sputtering deposition with DPCS
Effective start/end date2009/04/012012/03/31


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