Activities per year
- 15 Oral presentation
- 15 results
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P15: バンド計算を用いたPd-M(Cu, Ag, Au)の水素化物組成の評価
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2013/09/17 → 2013/09/19Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
2a-Ⅲ-01: 積分法を用いた35Sの液体シンチレーションカウンターによる定量
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2013/07/03 → 2013/07/05Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
MoP-45:e052:M1: Pressure-Composition Isotherms of ZrMnx (x=1.9 or 2.0)-Q2 (Q=H or D) Systems
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2012/10/21 → 2012/10/26Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
T6_JA: Gas evolution from Li2+xTiO3+y stored in moist air
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2011/11/08 → 2011/11/11Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
H10:湿潤空気下で保管したLi2+XTiO3+y からのガス放出挙動
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2011/09/19 → 2011/09/22Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
2P09-13: Aging of Li2+xTiO3 tritium breeder under Moist Air
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2010/10/24 → 2010/10/29Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
11A-76p 湿潤空気下でのLi2+xTiO3の変化
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2010/06/10 → 2010/06/11Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2009/09/16 → 2009/09/18Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Permeation of Tritiated Water through Polypropylene
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2009/09/14 → 2009/09/15Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Durability of tritium storage materials
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2009/02/26 → 2009/02/27Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2008/09/04 → 2008/09/06Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
25pYS-6 V-Nb-Ni系準結晶の水素吸蔵と構造(X線・粒子線(電子線),領域10(誘電体, 格子欠陥, X線・粒子線, フォノン物性))
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
22aPS-40 Zr(CO_ 1-x Mn_x)_2水素化物の磁性 II
Hara, M. (Speaker)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
24pPSA-50 Zr(Co_ 1-x Mn_x)_z 水素化物の磁性
Hara, M. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
5p-PSB-51 LaCo_5水素化物における重水素効果
Hara, M. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation