Activities per year
- 35 results
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植物由来化合物の機能性化粧品素材への応用:Ginnalin B の生物活性に関する研究
Kenta Shinzawa (Speaker)
2022/10/16Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Kenta Shinzawa (Speaker)
2022/10/01Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
In silico解析と親和性測定に基づいたlysosomal acid α-glucosidase (GAA)選択特性を有するイミノ糖のデザイン研究
Kenta Shinzawa (Speaker)
2022/03/28Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Kenta Shinzawa (Speaker)
2022/03/28Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Kenta Shinzawa (Speaker)
2022/03/26Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
カエデ由来ginnalin BのNOTCH1を介した皮膚分化促進作用について
Kenta Shinzawa (Speaker)
2020/03/28Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Discovery of potent glycosidase inhibitors by in situ analysis of a library of hybrid molecules generated via click chemistry.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2018/07/15 → 2018/07/19Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Kenta Shinzawa (Speaker)
2017/03/25Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
文部科学省 私立大学研究ブランディング事業(社会展開型)外部評価委員
Kato, A. (Participant)
2017/01 → …Activity: Other › Other educational activity
Kato, A. (Participant)
2016/10 → …Activity: Other › social activities
In silico study on the interaction of high affinity ligand calystegine B2 with β-glucocerebrosidase
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2015/12/15 → 2015/12/20Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Protective effects of dietary 1,5-Anhydro-D-glucitol in diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2015/12/15 → 2015/12/20Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Catalytic asymmetric syntheses and biological evaluations of α-1-C-substituted L-iminofuranose derivatives as α-glucosidase inhibitor
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2015/12/15 → 2015/12/20Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Synthesis and interactions of rhamnose iminosugar mimics with the rhamnose operon, rhamnosidases, and rhamnose isomerase
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2015/12/15 → 2015/12/20Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Rare sugars as potential inducers of the rhamnose operon: Biotechnology and chemistry in the production of 6-deoxy-hexoses and related monosaccharides
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2015/12/15 → 2015/12/20Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
和漢医薬学会 市民公開講座(和漢薬の魅力再発見~薬剤師から見た和漢薬の奥深さ~)
Kato, A. (Participant)
2015/08Activity: Other › social activities
ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス~ようこそ大学の研究室へ~KAKENHI(独立行政法人日本学術振興会 主催)県内外・中高生対象
Kato, A. (Participant)
2015/07 → …Activity: Other › social activities
日本東洋医学会 漢方薬剤師セミナー(病院薬剤部における漢方薬調剤と薬剤管理指導業務の紹介)
Kato, A. (Participant)
2015/06Activity: Other › social activities
Kato, A. (Participant)
2014/12 → …Activity: Other › social activities
Fluoro azetidines and difluoro prolines from D-glucose; Inhibition of pancreatic cancer cell growth by a fluoro azetidine
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2014/08/10 → 2014/08/14Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A nitro sugar based route to branched-chain polyhydroxylated octahydro-1H-indole-4,5,6-triols, as new potential glycosides inhibitors.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2014/05/28 → 2014/05/30Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
In vitro Iinvestigation of a novel iminosugar, TOP-DNJ.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2013/10/21 → 2013/10/23Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Synthesis and biological evaluation of azetidines derivatives from carbohydrates.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2012/07/22 → 2012/07/27Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Synthesis of glycosidase inhibitors based on bicyclic azetidines for the treatment of cancer.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2012/07/22 → 2012/07/27Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Docking and SAR studies of D- and L-isofagomine isomers as human β-glucocerebrosidase inhibitors
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2011/11/29 → 2011/12/02Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Biologically active novel branched pyrrolidines: synthesis of isoDAB and isoLAB.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2010/12/15 → 2010/12/20Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Synthesis of potent glycosidase inhibitors including DGJNAc: The first iminosugar to show specific nanomolar inhibiton of α-N-acetylgalactosaminidases.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2010/12/15 → 2010/12/20Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Manipulating the glucuronolactone scaffold: Efficient synthesis of potent and specific glycosidase Inhibitors.
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2010/08/01 → 2010/08/06Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
A strategy for the synthesis of all 16 stereoisomers of homonojirimycin (HNJ).
Kato, A. (Speaker)
2010/08/01 → 2010/08/06Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Kato, A. (Participant)
2002/09 → …Activity: Other › Other educational activity